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How to speak words and appearance of a preachers will attract people to hear and see him, because basically the human soul inclined and attracted to the beautiful and good appearance. From here we can see that the elected of persons is the marketing of those who have attractive appearance, in addition to the best quality products. In fact, the missionary is to provide a brochure and track patterns of thinking reflected in the moral, personality, and appearance.
Others in the case of a Muslim, it is 'the book is always open' to where ever he went, it was a missionary. "How many preachers who could not speak and preach, but by the grace of God many mad'u standing next to it. This is due to vibrations of the soul, the reflection face, gentle feelings, a sympathetic look, coupled with a deep faith (al-iman al-amiq), as well as a detailed understanding and syamil (al-fahmu addaqiq) owned by a preachers . This is not a new thing, because it has been there since the early days of Islamic missionary journey. We can see the friends of Al-Kalbi Dahyah ra, the Prophet sent a delegation to meet Emperor Heraclius, ruler of the Roman Empire. Dahyah reported are included in the top row of friends . It has good posture and a handsome face. A moment - when the reveal - Gabriel had descended like Dahyah ra la not include members of Badr. The war for the first time they follow the Battle of the Trench. It also participates in the battle of Yarmouk as the leader of the team. Mush'ab bin Umair RA. also look presentable and have a sympathetic look. Thabaqat Ibn Sa'ad told the story of his. "Mush'ab MTL is a wealthy woman. It gives you the best of the best clothes and perfume for Mush'ab. sandals made Hadhramaut. The Prophet once said, 'I have never seen in Mecca is the more beautiful hair, finer clothes, and more pleasure, than Mush'ab bin Umair RA' "
Ja'far bin Abi Talib ra. to gain a testimony (martyrdom) in the war Mu'tah also look handsome and have attractive appearance. He included a delegation sent by the Prophet to the kings and rulers. From Abu Hurairah. It says that there is a handsome man who came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, verily I am the person who love beauty and I have been given by God's beauty, as you saw, until -until I do not like if someone above me though are only thong. Does this include the nature of pride? "
The Prophet replied, "No, indeed is the nature of pride is rejecting the truth and underestimate others." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
Similarly, a preachers who live in a society or a messenger on a foundation or congregation, shall always have a good and noble appearance. An expression that says, "The success of a mission will depend on the carrier's mission."
Appearance and good manners will make people just looking to be interested and sympathetic. So we'll find there some people who depend beliefs through his eyes.
Others in the case of a Muslim, it is 'the book is always open' to where ever he went, it was a missionary. "How many preachers who could not speak and preach, but by the grace of God many mad'u standing next to it. This is due to vibrations of the soul, the reflection face, gentle feelings, a sympathetic look, coupled with a deep faith (al-iman al-amiq), as well as a detailed understanding and syamil (al-fahmu addaqiq) owned by a preachers . This is not a new thing, because it has been there since the early days of Islamic missionary journey. We can see the friends of Al-Kalbi Dahyah ra, the Prophet sent a delegation to meet Emperor Heraclius, ruler of the Roman Empire. Dahyah reported are included in the top row of friends . It has good posture and a handsome face. A moment - when the reveal - Gabriel had descended like Dahyah ra la not include members of Badr. The war for the first time they follow the Battle of the Trench. It also participates in the battle of Yarmouk as the leader of the team. Mush'ab bin Umair RA. also look presentable and have a sympathetic look. Thabaqat Ibn Sa'ad told the story of his. "Mush'ab MTL is a wealthy woman. It gives you the best of the best clothes and perfume for Mush'ab. sandals made Hadhramaut. The Prophet once said, 'I have never seen in Mecca is the more beautiful hair, finer clothes, and more pleasure, than Mush'ab bin Umair RA' "
Ja'far bin Abi Talib ra. to gain a testimony (martyrdom) in the war Mu'tah also look handsome and have attractive appearance. He included a delegation sent by the Prophet to the kings and rulers. From Abu Hurairah. It says that there is a handsome man who came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, verily I am the person who love beauty and I have been given by God's beauty, as you saw, until -until I do not like if someone above me though are only thong. Does this include the nature of pride? "
The Prophet replied, "No, indeed is the nature of pride is rejecting the truth and underestimate others." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
Similarly, a preachers who live in a society or a messenger on a foundation or congregation, shall always have a good and noble appearance. An expression that says, "The success of a mission will depend on the carrier's mission."
Appearance and good manners will make people just looking to be interested and sympathetic. So we'll find there some people who depend beliefs through his eyes.
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