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"Every member of the human body are required to produce a charity every day the sun rises." The companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, how can we donate?" Apostle replied, "Indeed, the door to do very much good. Reading rosary, interpretation, and tahlil is a charity; remove the thorns on the street is charity to help the deaf or blind, is charity, and shows the confusion, help immediately those who were require the charity to you. "
First, Wishes rosary, interpretation, and tahlil
Speech is speech that is expressed by the tongue, the taste conscientiously in the liver, and the mystic to God for a Muslim to keep in touch with the authorities. Is also a strength that helps to be patient and istiqamah.
Dhikr is a ritual that can be done at any time. It is also the motor has no moving continuously purge the soul from a variety of co-Toran. Dhikr person will get a special reward.
Second, Removing Thorns in the Road
As the law and the teachings of Islam vertical society, we see our fathers and grandpas we diligently remove stones, thorns or bones from the middle of the road so as not to interfere with the later. If they find the paper reads verse of the Qur'an, hadith, or the Arabic alphabet, then they burn it or save it.
They sweep the house and a shop front, and the burning of garbage has been accumulating. That's all they do because that is driven by a factor of the Islamic faith are planted in their hearts.
While Muslims do not want to implement the teachings of Islam, we see a pile of trash-heap in every place, flies spread everywhere, and diseases spread in every home. Allah has taught us to remove the thorns from the middle of the road and making it a great meritorious charity. Hence, if any of us who hit the thorns or the other to the middle of the road, then bagmya a great sin. S.a.w Prophet said,
"When a person is walking along a street and find the thorns, and they remove the thorns, He thanked him and forgave his sins."
This is not just a personal responsibility of each of a Muslim, but also a responsibility that must be carried out by Muslim rulers to maintain health of the community and 'izzah (honor) the Muslims.
Umar bin Khathab reported. said,
"If a donkey was found (get lost) in Iraq, then I'm the one responsible (for) why do not I show him the way home."
Those who go to Western countries will terhairan-surprised to see the roads and clean water plant. The government of these countries provide a variety of means to collect refuse, Quran, and a former magazine on certain days, including furniture that no longer apply. These materials are placed in a special place of glass. Thus items can be didaur ex again. Each person is required to clean within the house and his store, clean the snow and the leaves fall. If someone slip and do not accept and bring your troubles to court, then the homeowner be charged a fine, sometimes up to a thousand dollars.
In this way every town or village trying to clean and maintain its beauty to attract tourists. There is no law more detailed again. If Muslims want to execute the Prophet's call this, that want to get rid of thorns and the like from the street would the Muslim community will come up with the look and tone. Thus they have shown resilience Islam.
Third, Helping People Deaf or Blind
There is an unlearned (illiterate) received a letter from his son, a soldier who had long they wait for news news. Of course it would be very membutuh her people want to read the letter. Similarly, people who are deaf. People around public speaking, but he did not show signs of interaction at all, they do not understand what was going on. This person does not feel its existence and does not feel joy of life, unless those around him to care about the permasa slowly being they are facing. In one of the Islamic Centre in Europe, I saw a young man berkebangsaan Germany. At a time when talks take place, he was silent and looked at all if it does not follow the ongoing talks for not understanding the Arabic language. Then one of us to translate the contents of the lecture.
A feeling that is felt by the deaf community when he diacuhkan by? Of course it will suffer and may even hate those who are around. Helping people who are deaf demonstrate mutual love, mutual love, mutual help, and show characteristics of Islam.
Helping Blind People
We already know the pain suffered by people who are deaf, then so are experienced by the blind, even more suffering. If you want to go to the market, she needs a friend as a guide, and if it does not make friends and they go out to the street with a cane when he does not know the direction to the market, sure it will be confusion. If in these circumstances and those who walk around no matter against whom, it would feel jealousy of this individualist society. If this is a mess because people will lose most important factor, that mutual love and love.
If the situation like this, you run and approached the man and led him gently and politely in the direction they point, you are doing good to the person and restore the good name of Islam.
Some nations are preparing a special place for them in the car-public transport. Some also provide specialized general call for them. Thus they felt that their condition was observed. Especially when there are new discoveries, such as hearing aids for the deaf and aids for the blind see.
Fourth, Showing People Confusion
Many people are confused when he was in the area have not they know. Of course they really need people who can show it. It was asked to and fro, but the answer he received was, "I do not know." It further asked the umpteenth time and the man replied, pointing to a direction, "Please you walk in this direction ferrous and if up on the other side, then ask." It asked for the umpteenth time, and people will say, "Let me send you to your destination." Then it is brought to reach goals. The third person is the good and leave a good impression is in the hearts of others.
God. said, "O ye who believe, ruku'lah you, you fall down and worship you Lord, and berbuatlah welfare, so that you may prosper." (Al-Hajj: 77)
Several small children to play outdoors. They ran, and became increasingly distant from their homes. When realized, they are confused because do not know the way back to their homes. If one of them can not find anyone who can show him back, then we can imagine what happens if they continued walking into places they do not know. People who lost Tasnya containing important papers will be very grateful to those who find the bag and return to him. Those who want to perform these tasks will be to cultivate a love and instill Islamic values ??in society. And this is the job of being a preachers.
A day in the city Iskandaria I met a grandmother who looks very tired. It comes from a village to find his son. It brings a piece of paper that reads the address of her son is serving a military education. In the paper it is written, the child's name and city Iskandaria. It is very difficult to find the destination address, for in Iskandaria are tens of thousands of military and army headquarters. But with the Grace of God I think that the child would enter the military. If so, it would be in receipt prajuritt headquarters or in the training camps. Then I went to that place and I finally found it. After asking permission, we were allowed to find the child.
After the incident, I have often invited the important events held by the family of the mother. The Messenger, "show (the way) who get lost is a charity."
At the airport Frankfurt, Germany, a person does not realize that Tasnya left. They remember when the new aircraft is off. The bag was found by one of the Muslim youth berkebangsaan Turkey. Know when the bag containing the paper reads the Arabic alphabet, it does recognize that the owner of the bag is an Arab Muslim. Then he hurried into the local Islamic Centre to deliver these bags. But unfortunately, the officer who received the bag does not ask for the name and address of the instruction, in matters of this kind is very rare. So, is actually a valuable opportunity not be passed in vain.
A friend asked me to write recommendations for him to business at the Ministry of Finance, Cairo can run smoothly. I am ready, then I am reminded, "If the business can run smoothly with no visibility, then we recommend that (the recommendations) do not have to be used." It in and say "Assalamu'alaikum". An official said the speech "Peace". After it raised its meaning, he then ordered to overlook the other officers. He went to the officer in question and say "Assalamu'alaikum". The second officer did not answer the greetings, but directly asked, "Is there any purpose?" Having raised the meaning, again, our friend was ordered to overlook the other officers. When he had reached the officer in question, he said, "Assalamu 'alaikum" and the officer replied, "Wa-salam wa rahmatullahi alaikumus wa barakatuh. Please, my dear brothers, so what can I help?" It said, "What is the name of .... Mr. (his name)?" The officer replied, "Yes." Then our friend was handed the recommendations. Then he invited to sit and asked a lot of things. Not long business done. It went back and told this incident to me.
From here we can see that an employee, officer, or trader should always occur courtesy of the work and serve the interests of others. Many of the employees the opportunity to scrape wealth without lawful or unlawful matter. As a Muslim we must seize the opportunity as a farm to show the islamic personality actual fact, as Islam teaches honesty, duty of keeping promises, friendliness, and other good qualities.
Fifth, the Immediate Helping People in Need of Help
Those afflicted and need help immediately, as his house caught fire, a drowning man, or the other, in cases like this we should immediately do. An Arabic poem says, Do not delay, hoping to help just because your brother afflicted As proof of the cut hearts When in a dangerous situation like this, everyone would expect that there are people who want to help. Hence, if a person in this condition, then there are those who come forward to help him, this is muru'ah nature and will be a very good impression that will not be removed by bergulirnya time, and will cultivate a sense of love.
A student who was walking suddenly fainted, her books scattered and he himself wounded. No one around who moved to help, except a mother and daughter are still small, was passing the road. With love and affection the mother attempted to stop the blood continues to exit. I myself directly to the phone to call the ambulance. Soon a car ambulance came and I accompanied her to the hospital. After recovering consciousness, I go by them. I was warmly greeted by his family at all and thank you. Until now our relationship is very good.
My daughter who is studying in the University Iskandaria told me that when he and his friends a porno at the faculty page, they see a girlfriend who does not wear hijab fainted and fell on the ground. They quickly helped him. When sober, it does stumped because around it is the women porno, and he said, "By Allah, I never think or imagine if you are very good." Maybe it was swallowed by a lie-a lie that is spread on the women porno, so it is thought that a woman julia do not have love and social life.
This kind of phenomenon requires us to participate in all aspects of their activities, do not break faith for us, so we can straighten out the understanding, understanding leads one to any other, as well as to demonstrate the fact that the real character of Islam. We have more right to manage the lands from those who want to deface the image of Islam. So, it is not possible when we leave the lands granted. God. said,
"Nay, We hurl the haq in vain, and that it destroys haq, and behold, falsehood is vanished." (Al-Anbiya ': 18)
He even gave the job to us,
"Repel evil with what is better, so those who have enmity between you and him seemed to have a confidant." (Fushilat: 34)
In one of the faculty at the University Iskandaria, there is a young man who acts very stupid. He grabbed the sheets may be imposed by one student. This it did with a view to fishing undergraduates Muslim anger and pilgrims, pilgrims there. Without doubt, direct the student shouted for help to undergraduates who are in that place. The student was even jump to catch the young man and beat him. Fortunately there is a student who understands the situation faced and the impact will occur and the incident. They then came before the dean of the faculty and report the incident.
The following day, the amount is more, the student who show a sense of having porno. They walked from the university building to the mayor's office to pass the main roads. They were greeted by the community with a very warm welcome. When they reached the mayor's office, they were welcomed by the mayor with a good response, like the old face her. Not long after, there came a letter containing the decision of the rector of student withdrawal from the lecture halls.
In 1947 M. Egypt hit by cholera outbreak that make living in anxiety. Compelled by duty as a Muslim and in order to help the government deal with what is happening, the young Muslims jumped to help. They cook food, keep in, and isolate the areas affected by the epidemic to people who are sick do not mingle with people who are still healthy. With the grace of God, an outbreak was eventually ousted.
Some time ago, I went to the customs office in the port city car Iskandaria to take orders from abroad. Having discovered that the load I have to pay too much, I met the leadership of the office with the view to obtain leniency. Without my interview, I welcome the leadership of the office, giving greater lightness and the amount I expected. He said, "People who send the car to you is very great honor for me. This story begins when I perform the Hajj in the year yesterday. When out of the Masjid Al-Haram, I discovered that my wallet was gone. A person approached me and offered good intentions; it is ready to give the free money I need until I returned to Egypt. good deals that I have received. After I arrived in Egypt, I returned all the money I have to thank utilized. Therefore, it is necessary for I return the favor. " Thus, a good speech and practices that Salih would not be forgotten just like that.
There is an expression that says, "Be kind, and good cast into the sea." However, we say, "Be kind because Allah, that goodness will come back to the world and the next." There is no doubt do good to those who are in a country that has not been much more valuable than good to the person who is in his own country. Because of that, you will see that the relationship between the foreigner is stronger than the relationship between the local population. Arabic poem says,
"Be sure to return the kindness that you do because God will not forget that people even have a memory"
Sixth, Helping Poor People
In a jam when traveling - both when leaving and when returning; good on airplanes, trains, or other - one would need other people who want help to lift and menjagakan belongings. How many people doing the trip was his ill-health, of course it requires people who want to bring his luggage. Sometimes people want to send a parcel post or express mail, but it can not do it alone, perhaps because of illness or for another.
Would if You're the person who appears to give the bantuanbantuan. Messenger's already organized for us to do things like this, as in the hadith narrated by Muslim from Muadz bin Jabbal reported., "... And helping others, by lifting or lift bags on kendaraannya is a charity."
From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri reported., He said, "When we travel with the Prophet, came to a man riding a vehicle and look to the right and left." So the Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever has more supply, should give it to people who do not have the supplies."
Many of us have a car, but sometimes more than one. This is an opportunity for us to help those who need a ride, and of course will give you a profound effect on them.
There is a friend who in her spare time each is always spinning with the car down the street, hoping to find people who need help. With this behavior, it has many friends in every corner of the city.
One day, traffic officers have been arresting the alleged violations, the use of private cars to transport passengers. But after the officer knew that his work was done only because he wants to help without seeking reward, they were shocked and amazed, and then release it. On my first day trying to find a way to make friends with others. When I was tram, I earned so that I can stand on the stairs, hoping that I can help raise or lower the luggage. However, many passengers who refuse my good intentions, because of prejudices of evil has already gone to fill their minds. They regarded me as a thief. Since that day, I realize that such jobs must obtain permission from a prior article, if not, we will deal with local security.
A story experienced by a Muslim German citizen named Yahya Syuvskuh. This story began when he and his wife were riding public transport. At that time, they both sat in the chair. Soon an old man up and found that African berkebangsaan chairs are filled with passengers, so the old father stood. Quickly, Yahya got up and invited the old father to sit. That's old father was grateful, and sat down, but suddenly it cry. Yahya was surprised and asked about why, but I did not find results, because old father was speaking to English, while Yahya can not speak English. Then they find out and the other passengers, and from them he learned that the old father came from South Africa and the first-ever old father saw no white people who want to give his seat. Yahya tells the story, saying, "This is Islam."
Still in the story of Yahya. Story times this happened when he was in Mecca. When it is time for prayers, he went to the Masjid Al-Haram. It sure did not bring sajadah. When he stood to make a prayer and he saw where there postrations gravel stones, he said to himself, "This is a part of me." But the sudden appearance of the India's national air in the jacket of his next release and the place of prostration Cradlers Yahya. Yahya closes his story with a speech, "This is Islam."
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