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"Verily this Quran to show the course to be straight." (QS 17:9)
"We're down the Quran to thee to explain all things." (Sura 16:89)
It is very clear that in the Quran there are many verses that contain the main points of religious belief, moral virtues and principles of common-law action. We do not need to mention all the verses that the opportunity is not wide enough. Furthermore we say that thinking carefully about the following points to explain the problem to us the universality of the content of Quran on the road of life that must be human.
First, in human life only leads to happiness, peace and the achievement of its ideals. Happiness and peace is a specific color among the color-color desired by the human life, which in the shade he hoped to find freedom, prosperity, tranquility and others.
Rarely do we see people who, by their own actions, turned away from happiness and pleasure - like committing suicide, hurting and hurting body limbs and some exercises (riyadhah) weight that is not taught religion - for reasons to turn from the world, and act- Other actions that cause a person to lose any means of prosperity and peace of life. Something like that, (only) people who suffer complications of life - as a result of the severe complications that - argues that there is happiness in acts contrary to happiness. For example, someone is having difficulty living and not strong to bear, then committed suicide because they thought that there was pleasure in the death. Or, some people away from the world, undergo various training bodies and the forbidden pleasures of material for himself, because he believes that life in the material pleasures of life that is dry. Thus, human effort is to find the happiness that coveted that he was trying to realize and get it.
Indeed, the path taken to achieve this goal vary. Part of the path that makes sense, who received humanitarian and allowed by the Shari'a, while others violate the right path so that plunged into the wilderness astray and deviate from the path of righteousness.
Second, actions that humans do constantly be in a certain legal and regulatory framework. This is a truth that can not be denied, in all circumstances, given the very clear and explained the problem. That's because people who have sense only do something when he wanted it. Actions were based on the will of the people he knows clearly. On the other side, he just do anything for herself. Namely, he felt the demands of life that must be fulfilled, then act to meet the demands of it for himself. Therefore, among all the deeds that there is a strong rope that connects with another part.
Indeed eat and drink, sleep and wake up, sitting and standing, going and coming - all these acts and other acts by man - in some circumstances, a necessity for him, and in some other circumstances, not a necessity - that is, useful for him at some point, and dangerous at the other. All humans do it proceeds from a law that he knew in her universality and that he applied to the actions of its parts and its works.
Someone, in their individual deeds, resembling a full government, which has laws, practices and procedures in its own way. Active force in the government it must first consider his actions with those laws, then before he did. Social acts committed in a society like the individual act, so that it applies a set of laws and ordinances are adhered to by most individuals of that society. If not, then anarchism will master, and their social ties were broken.
Indeed, patterns of society, under the influence of the applicable laws and dominant in it, is different. Had it figured mazhabiah society, then in it and apply the provisions of the laws of the school. And if not patterned mazhabiah, but the culture, the acts that society is patterned legal culture. As if people were wild and did not have culture, then it applies association order and the laws of an arbitrary individual, or the laws produced by the mixing of different faiths and association order is chaotic.
If so, then man, in deeds of individual and social, must have a specific purpose. To achieve that coveted objective, he must do his actions according to certain laws and ordinances set by religion or society, or the other. Quran itself reinforces this theory when he says,
"Every nation has its own direction that he was facing him. The race was in goodness." (Surah 2: 148)
The word ad-Deen (religion), according to the habit of Quran means' way of life. " Those who believe and who disbelieve in that which does not acknowledge the existence of God though - must have a religion, because every person to follow certain laws in his actions, and laws were leaning to the Prophet and the revelation, or determined by a person or a society. About the enemies of the religion of Allah, Allah says:
"Among those who are blocking the man from the path of God and wants to be a crooked path." (Sura 7:45) [1]
Third, the best and strongest way of life man is the way of life based on nature, not based on emotions and impulses of individual or social.
If we observe carefully every part of nature, would we know that he has a specific purpose, which since the first day it happened he was led to that goal through the nearest and best road. He has the means necessary to achieve that goal. This is the state of all beings in the universe, whether animate or not.
An example is grain. From day one placed in the ground, he walked in the process of refinement. Turn green and grow to form grains of the pleats contain many seeds of wheat. And he was provided with special facilities for obtaining the elements that must be met in the revision process. Then she absorbs the elements in the soil, air and others with certain levels: Then he broke, green and growing day by day, and changing from one form to another until the formation of new grains, which in each grain there are a lot of wheat seed. That's when the first seeds planted in the earth actually has achieved the aspired goals and perfection that he is headed. Similarly walnut tree. If we observe carefully, will we know that the tree was also walking towards a certain goal from the first day it happened. And to achieve that goal he supplied certain equipment in accordance with the process of refinement, power and size. On his way he had not traveled traveled by wheat, as wheat in the levels of perfection does not proceed as the process walnut tree. Each of the two plants it has its own development that will not be broken forever.
All that we see in nature is to follow the applicable rules of this, and there is no definite evidence that humans deviate from the rule in its natural journey toward a goal that he has provided certain tools to achieve it. Even the stock-stock given to him was the strongest proof that he is like everything else in nature. He has a specific purpose to ensure his happiness, and he has been equipped with the means to achieve them.
So, human nature - even the nature of human nature is simply a part of it - led him toward the ultimate happiness. Nature that inspires the most important laws, the best and strongest guarantee happiness. God had the word:
"Moses said: 'Our Lord is substance that has given all things shape the story, then gave him instructions'." (Sura 20:50)
"Who created and perfected (creation) Him. That gives rules and guidance." (Sura 87:2-3)
"By the soul and perfection. Then God told wickedness and piety. Really lucky people who cleansed, and really lose people who pollute." (Sura 91:7-10)
"Confronted with a straight face to the religion of God. But the nature of God that He has created man in nature was. There is no change in the nature of God. That's the right religion." (Sura 30:30)
"Verily, who received God's religion is Islam. (Sura 3:19)
"Anyone looking for a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted." (Sura 3:85)
The conclusion of these verses and other verses that have the same content, which we did not mention in brief, is that God guides each of His creatures - including humans - to the purpose and happiness which is the peak of their creation goals. And the right way for humans is the way nature. So the man for his actions should be bound by the laws of individual and social are sourced from nature, and should not blindly follow the passions, emotions, tendencies and desires. The consequences of religious nature (natural) is a human being should not be a waste of stock given to him. In fact, every stock must be used within its limits and correctly, for which there is potential in him balanced, and for a potential non lethal potential of the other.
Furthermore, humans must be controlled by common sense is far from error, not by the demands of self that comes from the emotions that violates reasonable. Similarly, the master of society must be the truth and that is really useful for him, not the strong person that the arbitrary and follows the passions and desires. Nor is the majority who deviate from the truth and the common good.
The above discussion also shows that the right to make and enforce laws only Allah alone, and nobody has the right to make and enforce laws and decide the whole affair, because the discussion above shows that the way of life and the laws that are beneficial to humans in his life is inspired by nature . That is the law and way of life demanded by the causes and factors in the inner and outer nature. This means according to the will of God. Understanding "in accordance with the will of God" is that God has placed in human beings causes and factors that lead to the existence of laws and way of life.
Sometimes, the causes and factors that take the form of coercion as the basis for a process, such as natural events that occur every day. This is called the will of nature (takwiniah will of god), sometimes also something the action is done freely and on the basis of the will, such as eating, drinking, etc., which in this case is governed by the laws of God's will (will of god tasyri'iah). Allah says:
"There is no law other than God's." (Sura 12:40 and 67)
[1]. Sabilillah word (the way of Allah), in the habits of the Quran, it means the religion of Allah. The verse also indicates that people ~ unbelievers, including those who deny the existence of God even have a religion, that is their way of life.
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